Vibrational Meridian Chiming™

considering new and ancient pathways with stone-tipped tuning forks

Its sound

penetrated even the bottom of the soul.

Helio Orovio


When we approach the venerable beauty of Daoist meridian and stone wisdom practices with the penetrating precision of sonic ripples, we bathe in the sparkle of our innate Oneness and realize the sinew of our Earthly potential. Healing happens here. Truly, we are a vibrational bundle of limitless possibility.

We’ll work with the mystery and the certainty of weighted and unweighted tuning fork energies combined with the living knowledge of the stones and sacred acupuncture points to help open ourselves to new healing experiences. These powerful sessions are guided by our higher healing selves as convergence work, since our higher healing selves can work together anywhere our physical bodies happen to be, or as part of our in-person sessions—all from the blessed space of my Tucson studio. Welcome to this beautiful modality.

Photo: Moon Speak, VS

“My left side has been doing great since our session. It's hard to find the right adjectives, but it feels aligned and whole and strong. Also, my sister-in-law in Tucson came down with [you know] a couple of days after our session, but it didn't affect me. I believe it was due to your healing work. So thank you for everything. You were a calm, caring, peaceful, healing presence for me, and that is a priceless gift.”

— In-person client

“So very grateful for everything you give to so many!”

— Convergence work client