Whenever you let go of fears on Earth, your thinking, your acting and your communication change.
Dare to live your own divinity.
How about a dose of fearlessness?
Just as we began rejoicing that more people were discussing successful treatments for Covid-19, a propaganda storm stirred up doubt, fueled fear and hammered the vaccine-as-the-only-way-out narrative. Today’s vaccines will not end this pandemic, which is one dependent on fear. We will end this pandemic when we drop the divisiveness; regroup; turn our faces into the storm; and harboring a fierce love for humanity, exploit cures for Covid-19.
First, let’s mend our fractures and work together. Some of us decided to try vaccines, some chose to wait. And it is OK. We all need love, awareness, support and fearlessness.
Now, lets look at a few facts concerning our current vaccines: They don’t stop the spread of Covid-19. That was never a feature of their design. They are manufactured and marketed to lessen symptoms and prevent death. These types of vaccines are referred to as “leaky” vaccines, meaning the vaccinated can still contract the virus and pass it on. It also means variants—weaker or stronger—will likely occur. Theoretically, if we attempt to use leaky vaccines to end a pandemic, the population would have to be (apparently) continuously vaccinated. Realistically, leaky vaccines will never wipe out an illness and its variants.
Regardless, do we really want to create and become gene-therapy-vaccine-dependent beings?
We are at a critical point in history.
I am specifically asking those plaguing citizens who choose to decline a Covid vaccine at this time to pause and consider another way out. The same people who discriminate against the unvaccinated—by firing them, shutting them out of their businesses, ridiculing and shaming them, and by mandating and forcing vaccinations—also like to say they are “following CDC guidelines.” But, the CDC is clear that the vaccinated are spreading Covid-19 too. There is no “pandemic of the unvaxxed.” Here, CDC Director Walensky uses a recent study to promote mask use. I am pointing to her statement’s face value [emphasis added].
Today, some of those data were published in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), demonstrating that Delta infection resulted in similarly high SARS-CoV-2 viral loads in vaccinated and unvaccinated people. High viral loads suggest an increased risk of transmission and raised concern that, unlike with other variants, vaccinated people infected with Delta can transmit the virus. -CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH on MMWR, Media Statement, For Immediate Release: Friday, July 30, 2021
The paper Dr. Walendky cites also reveals that 74 percent of the people in the study who tested positive for Covid were vaccinated.
Vaccinated friends, there is no need to fear the unvaccinated; conversely, we must be brave together in order to stop this madness.
As many of us know, Covid-19 vaccines hold the distinction of causing more adverse effects and deaths than all previous vaccines put together. You can go to VAERS or OpenVaers and run data sets on vaccine injuries if you are curious. Keep in mind, though, only a tiny fraction of injuries are reported (reporting injuries, even concerning EUAs, is not mandatory), and no one really knows anything about the long-term effects of Covid-19 vaccines. They are too new. Brave pharmaceutical researchers and vaccine developers (including the one who developed mRNA technology) have warned about known and potential dangers…, but let’s leave all that for now. We are looking for enough fearlessness to end “the pandemic,” and right now vaccinated and unvaccinated global citizens are needed to promote sensible treatments.
Throughout the last year and a half, courageous medical doctors, immunologists, infectious disease specialists and other scientists have been researching, experimenting, collecting empirical data, writing and speaking about cures to colleagues, government agencies and the press (first approaching mainstream media and then down the line). In other words, they’ve been trying to get treatment protocols to the public for months. As many of us know, their words are systematically ignored, censored, blocked, mocked and worse. Think about that. Why would some of the world’s top doctors and scientists risk their careers, reputations and their lives, if all they had to share was “disinformation” and “misinformation”? Why should sharing life-saving, pandemic-ending strategies be so risky? On the other hand, why would corporate politics and corporate presses censor treatments, preventatives, questions and discussions? Perhaps the answer can be found in the FDA regulatory document for Emergency Use Authorization, section B, 2d, which states:
d. No Alternatives For FDA to issue an EUA, there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition.
The upshot is that because of planned blackouts, NO treatments or preventatives are intelligently discussed mainstream. I believe we must change this dangerous trajectory.
Real science is curious, not strangulating.
Right now, today, medical doctors have already developed and administered treatment protocols that have the potential to end “the pandemic.” There are treatments available that work. For example, the often slandered Zinc/Ivermectin protocols. Yes, humans and animals have a history with this drug, a safe history. In fact, humans and animals share various treatments — herbal, homeopathic, energy work, antibiotics and more. Nothing new there. So let’s put a stop to the, “its a livestock drug!” snark. It is; and it’s a human drug too. In fact, William C. Campbell, Satoshi Ōmura and Tu Youyou won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology for Ivermectin’s use in humans. Of course formulations and dosages are different; so to be clear, for COVID-19 we are discussing properly-prescribed, properly dosed, human-grade Ivermectin.
We can talk about alternative treatment plans and support strategies another time. (Of course, you are always invited to contact me if you need added support around illness or vaccine.) However, since Zinc + Ivermectin (and other supplements and drugs with demonstrated success, including vitamin C, D and simple nasal sprays) are inexpensive and easy to manufacture, distribution in an allopathic-dominant world can happen fast. Unfortunately, as we have seen, even allopathic solutions are met with corporate media blackouts and deplatforming. Discussing treatment strategies is taboo too with doctors and those of us hesitant to stray from the mainstream and fearing backlash. But, be brave dear ones. This is why we are here.
Please consider demanding from your doctor early treatment with inexpensive protocols that work. And then spread the news. What do we have to lose? We have seen the psychosomatic effects of the there-is-no-cure story. Imagine the psychosomatic effects of a there-is-a-viable-treatment story! A treatment that anyone could have access to and afford! As stress and anxiety ease, quite probably, together, we will watch the pandemic and all its braggadocio drain. Right? It is time to be brave. Spread the news that there are indeed therapies to treat Covid-19. Because that is truth.
I’ll bet most of us are just once or twice removed from at least one doctor amassing empirical evidence for the efficacy of Covid treatments. A colleague recently told me about a medical doctor in a hard-hit district who has quietly and successfully treated several hundred patients. Please start asking around, because the more we talk about treatments the better.
In the meantime, I will share below some inspiring resources.
I am grateful for my friends, family, clients and colleagues—those who choose to be vaccinated and those who choose not to be—who are walking this path with me (and who suggested edits). Thank you!
Please, let’s all be fearless and see what happens.
The links:
Vladimir Zev Zelenko is a doctor who has treated thousands of patients, including world leaders. There are other videos to choose from, but I really like this one where he addresses a rabbinical court in Israel. At the end, two rabbis thank him for saving their lives!
And of course there are studies, lots of them, revealing the legitimacy of treatments with Zinc and Zinc ionophores (Ivermectin acts as one). Here is a smattering, but I encourage you to keep digging using a neutral search engine like Duck Duck Go, Qwant, or Ecosia:
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12011-020-02194-9 “Conclusion: Zinc plays crucial roles in many aspects of life. In the course of infection, the immunomodulatory role of Zn is well evident. In the current pandemic of SARS-CoV-2, Zn supplement could play an important role to treat COVID-19 patients such as (i) added immune boosting effects with anti-viral drugs and (ii) stopping SARS-CoV-2 replication in infected cells, if combined with chloroquine. In view of this discussion, oral Zn supplement can be given using a suitable form of Zn-salt.”
Steve Kirsch has compiled a lot of useful treatment information on his site: https://www.skirsch.io/how-to-treat-covid/
I like this organization too: Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance Prevention & Treatment Protocols for COVID-19. They share valuable resources for getting treatment. https://covid19criticalcare.com/
For a collection of studies on HCQ: https://c19hcq.com/
Dr. Jim Meehan, MD shares some interesting information: https://www.meehanmd.com/
Here’s an organization devoted to Vit D: https://www.grassrootshealth.net/
Lots on Vitamin C and more here http://www.doctoryourself.com/
I like this quote from William C. Campbell (Ivermectin) found at the end of his Nobel Prize speech in 2015 [emphasis mine]:
“In late afternoon I often climb a nearby hill—not a mountain, just a grassy
half-mile hill called . . . “Half-mile Hill.” From the top I see a marvelous vista
of woodland and lake, and a sky often tinted with color as evening falls. It is a
moment of uplifting tranquility; and with it comes the realization that many do
not live amidst natural beauty and peace. To redress the terrible imbalance, many
people around the world are making heroic efforts, and one of their objectives
is the improvement of global public health. As we bring science to bear on the
problem, I hope we will keep in mind that solutions are sometimes to be found
in science that is simple.” :”Ivermectin: A Reflection on Simplicity Nobel Lecture,” December 7, 2015
by William C. Campbell https://www.nobelprize.org/uploads/2018/06/campbell-lecture.pdf
I’ll close with two more videos, if I may:
This one covers the history of Ivermectin, The Ivermectin Story. It is fascinating. https://rjvillanueva.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/IMG_2443.mp4
And this one defines mass psychosis, A Killing of the Mind. Let’s not let this happen on our watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09maaUaRT4M
PS (4 October): Here is an open letter discussing propaganda around this issue. It is full of great sources and resources. https://coronawise.substack.com/p/open-letter-and-challenge-for-rache
Photo: Love In Our Dear Friends’ Garden, VS