

Auricular Therapy


ear points in Tucson

The results of auricular therapy are obvious and rapid, in many cases following treatment as surely as a shadow is cast by a stick raised in the sunlight.

Bai Xinghua

The ear offers us a map to our being. By intentionally touching a specific point on the ear using a stone-tipped tuning fork, a healing essence, or an ear seed, we are sending a message to a place within that needs a gentle nudge. I am here; I understand your discomfort; flow freely now.

Ear “seeds” are tiny vaccaria (soapwort) seeds, stainless steel balls or gold-plated beads adhered to little pieces of adhesive. The ear will tell us where to position these slight spheres as they hold space for qi to emanate through the points and channels encouraging healing throughout the body.

I use various auriculomédicine treatment methods including the five-point NADA protocol*. Working with ear points can help us: facilitate addiction recovery, sleep better, lessen anxiety, alleviate nausea, increase focus, lose weight, lessen pain, strengthen immunity, address allergies, illness and so much more. Special protocols for babies and children can help with myriad disharmonious presentations. The flesh of the ear is truly a divine collection of healing portals. I practice acuwellness and place ear seeds in my Tucson studio; or I can activate the points as part of a convergence session. I invite you to contact me for an appointment.

The treatment helps the body and soul to help themselves.

Dr. Ralph Raben

I am happy to offer a "pay what you can; pay nothing if you can't" policy for babies born into addiction. Following the NADA protocol for newborns, I will tape one seed to reverse Shen Men (Divine Gate), a beautiful calming point on the back of baby's ear. This treatment is known to induce relaxation and reduce symptoms with no side effects. Please note: this simple, effective treatment is meant to supplement, not to replace, medical care. Legal guardians will be asked to sign a consent form. I am willing to travel to hospitals and facilities in the Tucson area.

Auricular therapy is an ideal method of treatment during and after drug withdrawal because of its simplicity, effectiveness, and lack of side effects.

Bai Xinghua, Chinese Auricular Therapy

*The art of treating mind and body using auricular therapy (a system of stimulating healing using specific points on the ear) is thought to be first recorded in the silk book, which was unearthed from a Han tomb in Mawangdui, Hunan, province, dated between 770 and 221 BCE. It is a system that has been practiced for centuries. Contemporary theory was introduced by Paul Nogier in France, 1957. Ear seeds and auricular acupuncture are also a part of acuwellness treatments championed by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA), whose mission it is to encourage community wellness through the use of a standardized auricular protocol for behavioral health, including addiction, mental health, and trauma. The NADA protocol, developed in the 1970s by Dr. Michael Smith at Lincoln Hospital Bronx, NY, is successfully practiced in over 2,000 programs worldwide. NADA ear acupuncture/acupressure is an adjunct therapy — safe, inexpensive and drug free.

Photo: Baby Light, VS

“To be honest, I wasn't expecting much to happen. But then I couldn't believe how relaxed I felt after the treatment. And I slept! For the first time in months! Thank you.”

— Acuwellness/NADA protocol client