Healing Essences
energy essence readings
This system of treatment is the most perfect that has been given to mankind.
Edward Bach
An ‘essence’ is a particular energetic pattern vibrating in a natural element or a sacred spirit, which is transferred or copied into a water carrier (thus forming a vibrational ‘remedy’). These energies help balance our own energetic patterns and inspire us to heal ourselves on many levels including, but not limited to, emotional, psychological, spiritual, physiological, planetary and universal. Energy essence elixirs have no tangible plant or mineral material. The energies are beautifully held in blessed Sedona spring water plus a few drops of an organic vinegar, colloidal silver or organic spirits stabilizer. They have no smell or taste (other than the stabilizer), and they can only help us to heal and never cause harm. Each pattern has a specific message for our individual or collective well-being.
BEECH For those who feel the need to see more good and beauty in all that surrounds them. And, although much appears to be wrong, to have the ability to see the good growing within… [and]to be able to be more tolerant, lenient and understanding of the different way each individual and all things are working to their own final perfection.
E. Bach discussing the Beech flower essence in The Bach Flower Remedies.
Healing essence readings and structured waters are part of my convergence work offerings. Subtle energy, which connects all, knows no time nor space; and our higher healing selves can work together anywhere our physical bodies happen to be. When I ‘tune in’ to you, I am giving your higher healing self the opportunity to choose the energetic pattern for which you are ready. In this way, you are your own healer. After your reading, I will send you your custom healing essence formula and beautiful write-up.
Photo: In This Moment, VS
“Thank you so much. The description of the healing essence formula was a little mind blowing to read. I am almost speechless, it is so accurate.”
— healing essences (convergence work) client