
Food Sense

a key to your body's preferred sustenance

It is not to interfere but to let nature restore.

Lao Tzu


Your higher healing self knows which foods to eschew, which foods to sidestep and those foods that are complementary to your individual physiology. By “tuning in” and connecting, we'll put together a Food Sense chart. You will receive a twenty-six page Food Sense report showing various edibles and your level of sensitivity (foods to consider avoiding completely; foods to consider staying away from as much as possible; and foods that test clear) plus a shorter cheat sheet.

This is convergence work. Subtle energy, which connects all, knows no time nor space; and our higher healing selves can work together anywhere our physical bodies happen to be.

Photo: Seville, VS

“WOW! Thank you! I've scanned it and it seems spot on in terms of my general experiences over the years...ones that I forget about all too frequently. Now I have no excuses! Good to have this confirmation and Stahldeep perception to help my choices. You are GREAT! Much love and blessed digestion!”

— food sense client