Bridge Clearing

beautiful broad-feathered hucha shedding from an edge-walker’s toolbox

In resonance there is no other.

Meg Beeler


Who are we? Why are we here? What does it mean to be human? Our goal is to be the best Earthlings we can be. We are bridges between heaven and earth. We are here to practice ayne, the spirit of social and sacred reciprocity. And right now, incredibly, we are in the period of Pachakuti, an “overturning of space-time or a period of transformation that helps drive the evolution of Earth and human consciousness.”*

Calling on the Andean paqo tradition’s intentional spiritual arts to move energy saminchakuy, saywachakuy and hucha miqhuy — we are able to clear hucha (slow-moving energy) or anything dispiriting. We don’t need to identify it to shed it! After we’ve cleared the sluggishness, the fine energy of sami — boundless, pure, Earthly Love — pours into our fields. It is astounding how good we can feel, and how ready we are to be fully human.

This is convergence work. Subtle energy, which connects all, knows no time nor space; and our higher healing selves can work together anywhere our physical bodies happen to be.

*Joan Parisi Wilcox, paqo, one of my beloved teachers in the Waskar and Inkarí lines through Juan Nuñez del Prado, and author of Masters of the Living Energy

Photo: Olive Elder, VS

“Funny, I realized that I am smiling today more than I used to . Thank you! You are such a treat!”

— clearing client